I encountered a really confusing problem when assembling one of my board ‘stacks’, the CubeCell Plus processor board with the Weather Station auxiliary board. Everything seemed to work OK until I was almost finished assembling the board ‘stack’ in the enclosure, then the processor would start to behave erratically, resetting or simply seeming never to come out of sleep mode.
I tracked the problem down to one of the stand-off screws—things seemed to be OK as long as I didn’t tighten that particular screw down…
Ultimately, it dawned on me that, given that all of my boards have ground and voltage planes, I may have been getting some shorting of these planes, between ‘stacked’ boards, through the brass stand-offs that I was using. Sure enough, replacing the brass stand-offs with nylon stand-offs seemed to cure the problem.
Based on that experience, I have now included ground/voltage plane ‘keep out’ areas around all ‘stack’ mounting holes. With any such updated boards, it should be OK to use brass stand-offs. If practical, however, it may be good to simply use [insulating] nylon, rather [conducting] brass standoffs in any case…
Now, what to do with that great assortment of brass stand-offs that I have…
This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by
This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by