Forums PCBs Use of the Prototyping Boards

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    • #75

      Hello Peter, you shared your Prototyping Boards designs on your site…

      1. Can we use those designs to change the boards to include our own targets?
      2. How to remove single pad’s, to make room for a battery loader?

      See our current LoRaWAN Sandwich concept:

    • #76

      Hello Wijnand,

      In answer to your questions:

      1. Yes, certainly.
      2. The easiest way will be for me to send you an Eagle library file containing the base board and you can simply modify that. This is what I did initially—I kept a library window open with a copy of the fully ‘populated’ base board while I worked on a particular board design, just deleting pads from the fully populated board in the library window, saving the modified element, then reloading the base board I was working on. All the pads are numbered by column and row, so any particular pad is easy to identify and locate.

      I haven’t tried to export a library from Eagle yet, but it can’t be difficult. I’ll provide a link to my library somewhere and let you know, or I can just send the file to you directly.

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by UniquePete.
    • #78
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