EEPROM Handler Software Downloads
Full description of EepromHandler library components pending...
EepromHandler Library
Place the EepromHandler library folder in the Arduino/libraries folder.
The following superseded versions of the library are provided for compatibility with earlier versions of sketches if required. Changes made between versions are listed in the relevant files. To minimise any potential for conflict, just be sure that all Nodes use software compiled under the same version of the library.
Earlier versions of the EepromHandler library were included in pre‑28 Mar 2023 PacketHandler packages.
EEPROM Read/Write Utility
This is a simple utility sketch that uses the EepromHandler to examine, set or scrub out the contents of an EEPROM—usage instructions are printed in the Serial Monitor on execution. This utility uses the relevant pin definition file, included in the Langlo header files download, for each supported MCU.