LoRa Nodes
I have a range of LoRa Node hardware platforms, based on Arduino Pro Mini, ESP-12 and NodeMCU, ESP32-WROOM-32, Heltec WiFi LoRa 32 and Wireless Stick Lite, and Heltec Cube Cell and CubeCell Plus MCUs.
LoRa Nodes
See also PacketHandler Node software (the LoRa Node sketches, which are all included as examples with the PacketHandler library package, use the Langlo header files and the PacketHandler library).
Individual example sketches [compatible with PacketHandler package 0.0.5, 14 Mar 2023] for currently supported hardware platforms can be downloaded by clicking on the links below. Place the relevant LoRa Node sketch folder in the Arduino IDE root folder (Arduino), compile, load and run. Each sketch can be configured to provide relevant status messages in the Serial Monitor to assist in verifying configuration details.
[Updated versions show date of update]
Please note that these are just the basic Packet/Node Handler sketches. To use any specific features of a particular hardware platform—interrupts, sleep modes etc.—or sensor, refer to the pages on specific platform software or PacketHandler downloads.
Note also that, while I would still describe the maturity of the code as alpha-release, the PacketHandler library has been the subject of significant development since the 0.0.5 version used in the above. While I have not come back to test these sketches with more recent versions of the library, since they are fairly simple sketches they should still compile and run OK provided both Gateway and Node sketches are compiled using the same version of the library.