
I use the Fritzing application primarily to enhance the documentation of my journey through the Arduino/IoT world. While the application also includes the ability to prepare schematic diagrams and associated PCB layout and production files, I actually use [the free version of] Autodesk Eagle for these functions. I have not, however, found a better way to produce anything quite as neat as Fritzing's 'Breadboard View' for illustrating circuit layouts. To this end, it will be noted that most of my effort in creating parts is focused on the preparation of attractive breadboard representations of those parts.

For the time being all we have here are some Fritzing parts files to download. These are parts, generally MCUs and sensor modules, not so much discrete components, that I have used to illustrate my work. The parts list expands as I encounter new modules.

Just click on the Parts link in the left-side menu to see the current list.

I have made every effort to make all of my parts conform to the Fritzing 'standards', but I must confess that it has not been at all easy. Being essentially a piece of open source software, and not being heavily resourced, documentation in relation to the preparation of parts is often scant. The small support team, through the Fritzing Forum, are probably every bit as helpful as they could be, but I still struggle to determine what might or might not be a consistent way of defining some elements of the parts. These problems invariably surface in relation to the preparation of schematic diagrams or PCB Gerber files, neither of which I use, so I must confess that my motivation to get to the bottom of some of these issues, as they impact upon the parts I have created, is not as high as it could be.
