LoRa Gateway

My current [single channel] LoRa Gateway is a Heltec WiFi LoRa 32 V2 module, mounted on my 100689-BHWL battery backup power board.

LoRa Gateway

LoRa Gateway Node

See also PacketHandler Node software (the LoRa Gateway sketch uses the Langlo header files and the PacketHandler library).

Place the LoRa Gateway Node sketch folder in the Arduino IDE root folder (Arduino). If running on a Heltec ESP32 module, as is currently configured, this sketch also requires the latest version, 0.0.7 at the time of writing, of the Heltec [ESP32] hardware support libraries.

ZIP WiFi LoRa V2 Gateway [v2.2] 19-Jan-2023 [9 KB]

I also have a version of the Gateway Node software that runs on the newer V3 Heltec ESP32 dev-boards. This code includes RPDP support but is still under development, although it has been relatively stable in its test environment for several months now.

ZIP WiFi LoRa V3 Gateway [v0.0.23] 28-Feb-2024 [14 KB]